Musem med fokus på samtidskonst, rörlig bild och offentling konst.

Opening hours: Today we are open 12.00-16.00

Opening hours: Today we are open 12.00-16.00

Textilt verk av färgrika trådar monterat över ett torg.

Janet Echelman, 1.78 Borås, 2021. Photo: Hendrik Zeitler

Borås Art Biennial

Since 2008, Borås Art Museum has organized the Borås International Sculpture Biennial. It all began with Jim Dine's renowned sculpture Walking to Borås (Pinocchio), and since then, the city's public art has been enriched with a variety of installations, both temporary and permanent. Many works have become part of the city's public art collection and identity, while others create exciting, temporary encounters.

Borås city's commitment to public art is based on long-term strategic work and close collaboration with the business community. Borås Art Museum focuses on contemporary art, and from 2021, the biennial has expanded to encompass a variety of artistic expressions. At the same time, the name was changed to Borås Art Biennial.

Every two years, visitors can experience grand and thought-provoking contemporary art at Borås Art Museum and throughout the city's public spaces.

Earlier biennials

Installation av olika material.

Borås Internationella Skulpturbiennal 2018
26 maj - 23 september, 2018

Skulptur liknande stor färgglad kub.

Borås Internationella Skulpturbiennal 2016
20 maj - 18 september, 2016

Skulptur i frigolit täckt med plast av kvinna i kaxig pose.

Borås Internationella Skulpturbiennal 2014
23 maj - 14 september, 2014

Bronsskulptur med svart patinering av en kvinnlig varelse.

Borås Internationella Skulpturbiennal 2012
02 juni - 16 september, 2012

En meter hög bronsskulptur, en tvåbent hund.

Borås Internationella Skulpturfestival 2010
21 maj - 19 september, 2010

Nio meter hög bronsskulptur liknande Pinocchio.

Borås Internationella Skulpturfestival 2008
17 maj - 21 september, 2008